Main difference between AC and DC charging stations

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At present, there are mainly two types of car charging stations on the market.
AC and DC chargers.

The main differences between direct current and alternating current in tram charging stations lie in charging speed, charging method, applicable occasions, charging power, and the design of charging interfaces.

Charging speed: DC charging stations can provide a large charging power, usually above 60kW, so the charging speed is very fast, usually only taking 30 minutes to 2 hours to fully charge. In contrast, the charging speed of AC charging stations is slower and usually takes 6 to 10 hours to fully charge.

Charging method: The DC charging station directly charges the power battery of the electric vehicle, while the AC charging station needs to charge the power battery through the on-board charger.

Applicable occasions: DC charging stations are suitable for public charging stations, highway service areas, and other places that require fast charging. Communication charging stations are more suitable for daily use scenarios such as homes, communities, and office buildings.

Charging power: The charging power of DC charging stations is relatively large, generally between 60-120kw, while the charging power of AC charging stations is relatively small, generally between 3-7kw.

Charging interface design: The gun head of the DC charging station has nine holes, while the gun head of the AC charging station only has seven holes.

In addition, although DC charging stations have a fast charging speed, they may cause certain damage to the battery because their output current is large, releasing a lot of heat during charging, which may lead to a sudden decrease in the capacity of the power battery. Although the charging speed of the communication charging station is slow, it basically does not damage the battery because its structure is simple and does not directly damage the battery.

Overall, DC and AC charging stations each have their own advantages and applicable scenarios. DC charging stations are suitable for scenarios with high demand for fast charging, such as public charging stations and highway service areas; Communication charging stations are more suitable for households and communities that require long-term charging, and are more battery friendly.




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